A letter from Callie

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The Activist 23/04/2021

Dear friends,

It’s my absolute pleasure to be able to finally offer you my very own range of CBD products. I  have been working tirelessly for over 12 months to bring you the best CBD products on the market. I don’t say that lightly – I say it with the knowledge that I have done everything in my power to ensure that I am able to bring you a range of products that I am more than happy to stand behind. Many of you know me from my Cannabis activism and as such, you are aware of how much I care about not only Cannabis but you, the people who choose to integrate it into your lives.

It has taken me 5 years to find a company that I felt shared my ethics and visions when it came to sourcing and producing CBD products.

Sadly, as many of you are aware, THC is illegal. With the new laws surrounding trace amounts of this wonderful cannabinoid coming into effect soon, I felt in between a rock and a hard place. I stand so firmly behind the benefits of THC but I also understand the many benefits of CBD and although I can’t offer you a whole plant oil – I can offer you oil that I have tried and tested over an 18 month period with great success. As much as I want to ignore the guidelines and give you what I know you need, I came to the conclusion that I would rather give you the best that I possibly can within the legal parameters than give you nothing at all.

The Activist CBD is my brand and I am so very proud of it. As well as containing the best CBD  extracts on the market with top quality terpene profiles, my products contain a lot of my love,  dedication and pride. Whilst developing a range of products for The Activist CBD, it was paramount for me that you, the consumer understand exactly what you’re taking. I have made the mg per drop very clear so that you are able to accurately document the progression of your healing.

I want to thank you for putting your trust in me and for choosing The Activist CBD.


Callie x